Child Custody
Solidify the family bond by adopting your stepchild
Adopting your stepchild can be a significant decision that provides a sense of permanence to the relationship while also making it legal. As an adoptive parent, you gain a new, stronger bond with your stepchild that comes with certain rights and responsibilities. This...
What are the best summer co-parenting schedules?
Summer is nearly here, which means divorced parents may have to rearrange their custody and visitation schedules. With shared custody, things have to be adjusted to accommodate the child’s summer schedule. These are some of the potential co-parenting schedules for...
Factors that influence a child custody order
If you have children with your former spouse, you have an obligation to care for them. However, you may also have the right to spend time with them or otherwise play a key role in their lives. There are several variables that a Texas judge might consider when...
What does it take to get a child custody modification in Texas?
When you were hammering out the details of your custody arrangement with your ex-spouse in court, you did your best to predict the arrangement that would work best with your schedules while ensuring that your children got the time that they need with both parents. Now...